Friday, December 11, 2009

Lying and Stealing is now PC and OK in liberal circles

It is simply amazing beyond my worst dreams. Obama lies and lies and lies, and most of the world doesn't say a word (e.g. "no taxes on the middle class, which was rendered a lie when the new tax on cigarettes was passed. And of course, the Cap 'N Tax and Health "reforms" will also tax the middle class, BIG, BIG TIME!).

Several members of Obama's Cabinet are proven tax cheats! It has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that several Congressmen have cheated in innumerable ways! We have "Climate Scientists" falsifying data, getting folks that don't agree with them fired, ignoring requests for data, and lying, lying, lying, lying, lying....

And then if someone tries to counter any of this disgusting lying, cheating, immoral behavior, he just gets called names by the liberals. Never a decent debate of the merits, just anger.

If it has become OK to lie, cheat and steal, then what hope can we hope for?

WTF has happened to my Country?